Computers are being employed in all fields of life. As the use of internet has become very important in the present times, there is much more demand of computers today than there was in the past. Almost everyone is using computer and internet for various purposes including getting information on various subjects, for business, research, communicate, make money, play games, listen to songs, watch movies and much more. However, there are some threats to your systems when you set out to do all these tasks. No matter if you are a student or a business man, a house wife or a retired person, it is essential to ensure your computer security if you are making use of these machines.
Firewalls Are Your First Line of Defense When it Comes to Computer Security
The worst things to over look each and every time in this competitive age is about your PC Computer Security and if you are not careful with that nasty piece of codes are not going to show any mercy at all and rather thrash you towards any short of crisis once they took a front seat on your computing system.
But taking some of these steps can minimize your risk from virus, malwares, spywares, ad wares, Trojans, worms and from each and every form of infection your computer system can have. They are just viral kind of things once you got them they can give you sleepless nights.
But taking some of these steps can minimize your risk from virus, malwares, spywares, ad wares, Trojans, worms and from each and every form of infection your computer system can have. They are just viral kind of things once you got them they can give you sleepless nights.
7 Tips For Computer Security and Virus Protection
Computer security is a vital issue for anyone who surfs the net on his or her PC. Any computer that is connected to the Internet is exposed to thousands of malicious, viruses, spyware, hackers, and other nasty Malware that can ruin a system, cost lots of money for repairs and lose important data, files and folders.
Here are some hands-on steps that you can take to protect your computer, data and private information from the hackers, Malware, viruses, spyware and thieves and ensure the best in computer security.
Here are some hands-on steps that you can take to protect your computer, data and private information from the hackers, Malware, viruses, spyware and thieves and ensure the best in computer security.
Internet and Computer Security Should Be a Part of Every Home Security Solution
These days it seems as if you can either find a security expert or a computer security expert, but seldom both. The security expert is knowledgeable about physical security systems, alarm systems, and camera systems but knows little about networks, computer viruses, or internet attacks. The reverse is also true, as most internet security people do not know a thing about physical security. To me, security is security and protecting my property, whether it be stored in my living room or on my computer, is very important. Why then, do we all tend to separate physical security and computer security instead of considering both together?
Tips For Computer Security While on Vacation
Finally, a break! Make sure your vacation is memorable because of the great time you had, not because something happened to your computer. Read on for a complete checklist of things to do to make sure your computer and the data on it is ready to jet with you.
Back-up your data and clean-up your computer.
Copy important or valuable items - documents, photos, presentations, email records - on to an external hard drive, USB flash drive, or an online service and store it in a lockable location at your office or at home. This will ensure you have a back-up of everything vital should your computer become lost or damaged while traveling.
Back-up your data and clean-up your computer.
Copy important or valuable items - documents, photos, presentations, email records - on to an external hard drive, USB flash drive, or an online service and store it in a lockable location at your office or at home. This will ensure you have a back-up of everything vital should your computer become lost or damaged while traveling.
Computer Security Programs Are Most Effective When Used Properly
Protecting you information with computer security programs will keep your personal information safe.
Intruders try to target credit card numbers, bank account information, or any other type of information that they can use in order to steal your identity.
Identity theft is now one of the top criminal activities in the United States.
The identities of many people have been exploited and credit ratings have been ruined by thieves who get information from unsecured systems, or bypass computer security programs for illegal gains.
Intruders try to target credit card numbers, bank account information, or any other type of information that they can use in order to steal your identity.
Identity theft is now one of the top criminal activities in the United States.
The identities of many people have been exploited and credit ratings have been ruined by thieves who get information from unsecured systems, or bypass computer security programs for illegal gains.
Do You Know Enough About Your Computer Security? Find Out More
As the use of computer networks, especially the Internet, has become pervasive, the concept of computer security has expanded to denote issues pertaining to the networked use of computers and their resources. The term computer security is used frequently, but the content of a computer is vulnerable to few risks unless the computer is connected to other computers on a network. The major technical areas of computer security are usually represented by the initials CIA: confidentiality, integrity, and authentication or availability. Other important concerns of computer security professionals are access control and non-repudiation.
As the use of computer networks, especially the Internet, has become pervasive, the concept of computer security has expanded to denote issues pertaining to the networked use of computers and their resources. The term computer security is used frequently, but the content of a computer is vulnerable to few risks unless the computer is connected to other computers on a network. The major technical areas of computer security are usually represented by the initials CIA: confidentiality, integrity, and authentication or availability. Other important concerns of computer security professionals are access control and non-repudiation.
Computer Security Free - Is That Possible?
Everyone who surfs the Net needs to be concerned about computer security. There are viruses, trojans, spyware, malicious adware... the list of what's out there in the way of malware goes on and on. You either take steps to keep your computer and data secure or you suffer the consequences.
Just how much computer security do you need? And can you get computer security free?
The answer to the first question is: "It depends." It depends on the value of what you are protecting. If you buy things on the Internet, have financial transactions going through your computer, then all of the financial info you use to make purchases is potentially at risk. What would it cost you if info thieves got your data?
Just how much computer security do you need? And can you get computer security free?
The answer to the first question is: "It depends." It depends on the value of what you are protecting. If you buy things on the Internet, have financial transactions going through your computer, then all of the financial info you use to make purchases is potentially at risk. What would it cost you if info thieves got your data?
Basic Computer Security Measures For the Home User With a Windows Operating System
Basic computer security measures for the home computer user are a must. This is because there are many individuals in the world that have a dangerous hobby. That hobby is seeking out personal information and files that they can use in an illegal manner from these types of computer users. In addition to this, these individuals can implement the use of your computer's resources for their own benefit. Here, you will learn about some basic measures that you can take to properly protect your computer from these potentially dangerous threats.
One of the first, and most basic measures, that you should take to protect your sensitive data and computer resources is placing an anti-virus program on your system and allowing it to run at all times.
One of the first, and most basic measures, that you should take to protect your sensitive data and computer resources is placing an anti-virus program on your system and allowing it to run at all times.
Spam! What's the Real Problem
Most people now know the official definition of spam- Unsolicited Commercial Email (UCE for short).
That definition does several things we should look at.
That definition does several things we should look at.
- It categorizes spam as commercial
- It limits it to email
- Calling anything unsolicited creates vagueness
Think All the Good Domain Names Are Taken?
Have you heard of the other tlds (top leve domains) such as: .free, .church, .video, .travel, .llp, .golf, .school, .agent and .love? There are many more too. Wait! Don't wretch just yet. I'll tell you why in just a minute.
If you look for a great domain name for very long you will learn how rare they are. Trying to find a one word dot com is a futile effort. The only exception to that is the occasional name that someone gives up. The problem with that is you must search a list of thousands (or tens of thousands) to find one and of course you must get there ahead of the next person. If you just have to have a one word dot com, be ready to shell out thousands or tens of thousands of dollars.
If you look for a great domain name for very long you will learn how rare they are. Trying to find a one word dot com is a futile effort. The only exception to that is the occasional name that someone gives up. The problem with that is you must search a list of thousands (or tens of thousands) to find one and of course you must get there ahead of the next person. If you just have to have a one word dot com, be ready to shell out thousands or tens of thousands of dollars.
Do-It-Yourself Computer Maintenance For Windows
Many companies want to sell you something you may already have (or may get for free), but may not even know about. Have you looked through what is available in Windows for routine maintenance? Here are some things you can do today (or right now) to help keep your Windows operating system running smoother and with fewer glitches.
More on Making Web Pages - The Table Tag
For review purposes, the following is a basic web page.
< html >
< head >
< title >
< /title >
< /head >
hello world
< body >
< /body >
< /html >
< html >
< head >
< title >
< /title >
< /head >
hello world
< body >
< /body >
< /html >
A Tags - The Rest of the Story
There is a lot to this tag with many options available for your use.
We pick up here with the knowledge of how to create a link on a web page. If you need a refresher, this is a complete web page when saved with a .html ending.
< html >
< head) < /head >
< title > < /title >
< body > < /body >
< /html >
and if you need a refresher, there are three parts to the A tag-
We pick up here with the knowledge of how to create a link on a web page. If you need a refresher, this is a complete web page when saved with a .html ending.
< html >
< head) < /head >
< title > < /title >
< body > < /body >
< /html >
and if you need a refresher, there are three parts to the A tag-
HTML - Beyond the Basic Page - The "a" Tag
In another article we learned the basic structure and code to create a simple web page. Several tags were introduced without much detail. Here for a quick review is a basic web page with each of the following words (tags) contained by brackets (I can't put brackets around them or they won't show up on the page. This is an opening bracket < and this is a closing bracket >). title is an opening tag and /title is a closing tag.
Web Applications Services - How To Use
A Web application Service is defined by the W3C as a software system designed to support Machine to Machine (M2M) interaction over a Internet i.e. Network. Web services are just Web APIs that can be accessed over a network, such as the Internet, and executed on a remote system hosting the requested services also.
The W3C Web service definition encompasses many different systems, but in common usage the term refers to client and server that communicate using some types of messages that follow the SOAP standard. Common in both the field and the terminology is the assumption that there is also a machine readable description of the operations supported by the server written in the WSDL(Web Services Description Language).
The W3C Web service definition encompasses many different systems, but in common usage the term refers to client and server that communicate using some types of messages that follow the SOAP standard. Common in both the field and the terminology is the assumption that there is also a machine readable description of the operations supported by the server written in the WSDL(Web Services Description Language).
The most familiar and commonly known technology is the Active Server Pages which is shortly known as ASP. This technology is used in order to create dynamic and interactive web pages. These Active Server Pages make use of server side scripting in order to create dynamic web pages that are not pretentious by the type of browser the internet visitor is working.
VBScript is the default scripting language which is used for writing ASP though few other scripting languages like Java Script can also be used. Active Server Pages have the extension as .asp instead of .htm. Any web page containing ASP cannot be run by just viewing the web page in a particular browser. The web page must be requested and demanded through a server that abets ASP and for this reason ASP refers and stands for Active Server Pages.
VBScript is the default scripting language which is used for writing ASP though few other scripting languages like Java Script can also be used. Active Server Pages have the extension as .asp instead of .htm. Any web page containing ASP cannot be run by just viewing the web page in a particular browser. The web page must be requested and demanded through a server that abets ASP and for this reason ASP refers and stands for Active Server Pages.
Are Your Emails Hazardous To Your Health
Once you go online, it’s open hunting season, and one of the
most common ways to get shot by someone else, or by yourself,
(known as a negligent discharge in Wild Fowler circles), is
through the use of email.
Simply connecting to the internet is fraught with dangers as
you instantly expose your data and personal information to
Hackers, Identity Thieves, Viruses, Worms, and Data Mining
most common ways to get shot by someone else, or by yourself,
(known as a negligent discharge in Wild Fowler circles), is
through the use of email.
Simply connecting to the internet is fraught with dangers as
you instantly expose your data and personal information to
Hackers, Identity Thieves, Viruses, Worms, and Data Mining
Resolving "HTML Import Errors" in Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft PowerPoint is an advanced and widely used presentation application. It has a wide set of features, including saving slides as web page. You can save a PowerPoint presentation as web page and can directly use in web pages. But in some situations, the presentation that is saved as a web page, can not be opened and you encounter some error messages when you try to access it or alter it. This problem may be due to corruption to the PPT file. In order to access data from file, you need to carry out PowerPoint Recovery using appropriate solutions.
It's Time to Teach the Spammers a Little Lesson
Spam is no recent phenomena. It has existed ever since the rise of the internet and will continue to do so. A recent study from McAfee has pretty much summarized the seriousness of the problems which spam creates. Did you know that as a result of spam alone, 33 billion kilowatts-hours of electricity was wasted in 2008? And this only accounts for America. Imagine what the total would be with the whole world combined. Another statistic revealed that $3 billion worth of electrical energy is lost through spam. Why is this the case? At an individual level, a single spam email emits about 0.3 grams of Carbon Dioxide, a greenhouse gas. If you multiply that with the number of spam emails being sent around the net, an estimated 62 trillion spam emails, that turns the final value into around 17 million metric tons of Carbon Dioxide.
How to Convert PSD to HTML
Once you have decided on the option to use, another question comes to mind: Which option is the best? Actually, there is no all-purpose choice that is designed to suit every situation. Nowadays design is one of the differences that are responsible for setting products and websites aside from other commoditized rivals. A website designer is becoming a key figure in the success of any website. Such people require that they become completely concentrated on design because this is an area that requires commitment for it to succeed.
C# - Sending SMTP Email
C# can send emails with the .NET Framework fairly easily, especially via the SMTP protocol. The SMTP protocol is a common way to send emails.
Because SMTP emails require an SMTP server to send, it is probably easiest to use Google's Gmail server. Thus you'll need a Gmail account, which is simple and free to create. Once you have a Gmail account sending SMTP emails with C# is a breeze. The trick is to use the System.Net.Mail namespace instead of System.Web.Mail. The second namespace was replaced by System.Net starting on .NET Framework 2.0.
Because SMTP emails require an SMTP server to send, it is probably easiest to use Google's Gmail server. Thus you'll need a Gmail account, which is simple and free to create. Once you have a Gmail account sending SMTP emails with C# is a breeze. The trick is to use the System.Net.Mail namespace instead of System.Web.Mail. The second namespace was replaced by System.Net starting on .NET Framework 2.0.
How to Create Vertical Spacing Between Lists Using HTML LI Tag & CSS
This is how to create vertical spacing between lists using the HTML <li> tag and CSS. I've kept in mind to keep the code in compliance to XHTML Strict validation with W3C standards. I validate to the Strict standards strictly to Search Engine Optimize the page. Here is a sample of an unordered list code in plain HTML:
C# Extract HTML Links From Website
Using C# to get a list of active links in a URL is not as hard as it may seem. The trick is in properly processing the raw HTML code of pages...
The purpose of retrieving a list of links from a web page is very open-ended. Some people want to know the active links in a page to make sure that none are broken. Others might need the links for SEO purposes like PageRank checking.
The purpose of retrieving a list of links from a web page is very open-ended. Some people want to know the active links in a page to make sure that none are broken. Others might need the links for SEO purposes like PageRank checking.
HTML Date Code - How to Add the Current Date in HTML Code & Look Really Professional!
It is amazing what a difference it makes to add the HTML Date Code to your website - so that the current date is always showing. As they say "It's the little things - there's nothing bigger...". People like to feel that they are looking at fresh, up-to-date content. So, I'm going to show you how quickly and easily you can achieve this, simply by adding the date in HTML code...
The first thing you need to do is go to your Web Editor, eg Kompozer, and open up your Web Page.
Then simply follow these steps:
The first thing you need to do is go to your Web Editor, eg Kompozer, and open up your Web Page.
Then simply follow these steps:
On-Page and Off-Page Optimization Step by Step+Other Trips and Tricks
1. Step-Keyword research
It is crucial to choose the right keywords, analyze your competition and potential traffic. Just a quick thought. The more specific you are, the more qualified visitors you will get. So when choosing the keywords consider that not necessarily the keywords which have the most searches are the biggest value to you.
2. Step-Site Design
It is crucial to choose the right keywords, analyze your competition and potential traffic. Just a quick thought. The more specific you are, the more qualified visitors you will get. So when choosing the keywords consider that not necessarily the keywords which have the most searches are the biggest value to you.
2. Step-Site Design
TIPS and Tricks for Promoting your Website
If you really want to generate highly targeted traffic to your web site, you'll have to give proper concentration to the website promotion approaches shown in this article.
The solution to victorious web site promotion is steadiness. Day by day, week by week, month by month you should be doing some stuff to let your clients be familiar with your website that your website offering a perfect resolution to their troubles.
The solution to victorious web site promotion is steadiness. Day by day, week by week, month by month you should be doing some stuff to let your clients be familiar with your website that your website offering a perfect resolution to their troubles.
What is SAN or Storage Area Network?
A SAN or Storage Area Network is a network that is separate from WANs and LANs. It is used to link all the storage resources linked to different servers. It consist a collection of SAN Software and SAN Hardware; the hardware has high interconnection rates among the different storage devices and the software configures the SAN and manages monitors.
Storage Area Network or SAN is a high speed sub-network of shared storage devices. A storage device is a machine that has nothing but disks for saving data. A Storage Area Network's architecture acts in a way that makes every storage devices accessible to every server on a WAN or LAN.
Storage Area Network or SAN is a high speed sub-network of shared storage devices. A storage device is a machine that has nothing but disks for saving data. A Storage Area Network's architecture acts in a way that makes every storage devices accessible to every server on a WAN or LAN.
Anti Adware and Spyware Programs
Adware is any software application software which makes banners appear the whole time it is in function. Also, the adware program can install components that will transmit information about the user and its behavior and this work on his PC. Unlike spyware programs, the user is asked when the program is being installed. Actually, an adware application is the application that, along with its basic functionality, has a different one, the one that makes it show commercials once in a while, downloaded periodically from certain internet servers.
Spyware is a program, usually downloaded from the internet, which sends information about the user without him knowing it, every time he connects to the internet. Usually, the packages sent contain marketing information and not confidential information, although some programs can do that too.
Spyware is a program, usually downloaded from the internet, which sends information about the user without him knowing it, every time he connects to the internet. Usually, the packages sent contain marketing information and not confidential information, although some programs can do that too.
Understanding And Using 19216801
Computers have IP addresses, this numbers act as a kind of a security combination. One of the most commonly used IP address is Though data is technical in nature, knowing this can be profitable if you are using routers and networks.
Understanding IP Address
Understanding IP Address
What is a Trojan Horse Virus?
I encountered this gem on the Vista Website:
The Trojan-Horse-virus!
This is an e-mail virus commonly released by an e-mail attachment and if this attached file is opened, it will scour the hard drive for any financial and personal information such as the social security, PIN numbers, account numbers. When it has collected the info, in the computer, it is transferred to the database of the thieves!
The Trojan-Horse-virus!
This is an e-mail virus commonly released by an e-mail attachment and if this attached file is opened, it will scour the hard drive for any financial and personal information such as the social security, PIN numbers, account numbers. When it has collected the info, in the computer, it is transferred to the database of the thieves!
How to Maximize Security in Outlook Express
Although Outlook Express was known to be rather vulnerable to online attacks, viruses and spyware, recent updates have improved Outlook Express security a lot. Considering that many use Outlook Express for e-mail and news reading, it is reassuring that Microsoft has addressed most known security holes.
As with most software though, security can be harmed when users get sloppy in how they use the software and how they configure the software. This is especially true with online applications.
If you allow all kinds of content in e-mail or click every attachment you receive, no protection will be good enough.
So use good judgment when using Outlook Express to minimize your exposure to online threats. For MAXIMUM Outlook Express security consider the following tips too.
As with most software though, security can be harmed when users get sloppy in how they use the software and how they configure the software. This is especially true with online applications.
If you allow all kinds of content in e-mail or click every attachment you receive, no protection will be good enough.
So use good judgment when using Outlook Express to minimize your exposure to online threats. For MAXIMUM Outlook Express security consider the following tips too.
Blogging Security Warnings
Blogs are vulnerable and need security, developers work overtime on this, releasing updates as fast as they can in response to a threat. Still, you need to keep up with the news on security issues and risks. You must read tips on keeping your blog safe from new hackers attacking blog passwords.
Sometimes Internet Explorer
and some other applications, add a bit to the file to mark it as being downloaded from the Internet. It serves as a warning that this may be unsafe content. If the file is digitally signed, the warning does not have the red shield, and the publisher is listed in the dialog, but otherwise it stays the same.
Sometimes Internet Explorer
and some other applications, add a bit to the file to mark it as being downloaded from the Internet. It serves as a warning that this may be unsafe content. If the file is digitally signed, the warning does not have the red shield, and the publisher is listed in the dialog, but otherwise it stays the same.
Security issiues in VOIP Applications
The evolution in the networks & internet has increased different types of applications. One such application is VOIP which has become an alternative to traditional telephone network (public switched telephone network, or PSTN) offering versatile, flexible & economical speech communication. The PSTN of course, is not invulnerable to security breaches. Some of the earliest hackers were "phone phreakers", who specialized in making unauthorized long distance calls.
Today, the threat caused by hackers to IP networks goes far beyond the cost of unauthorized long-distance calls. An attack could take down the network (and thus the company's phone service) for hours or days, and the content of calls intercepted, divulging trade secrets,
Today, the threat caused by hackers to IP networks goes far beyond the cost of unauthorized long-distance calls. An attack could take down the network (and thus the company's phone service) for hours or days, and the content of calls intercepted, divulging trade secrets,
10 Best Practices for Secure Coding
To ensure that you build and deploy the most secure software possible, Orthus recommends the following best practices for secure coding:
1. Validate user input
Never assume that input from HTML forms is valid. Just because you gave the user only hidden fields or pull downs, or you had JavaScript to validate every input, does not guarantee the input will not be tampered with. A hacker with a simple local Web proxy can change anything they want after the JavaScript executes.
1. Validate user input
Never assume that input from HTML forms is valid. Just because you gave the user only hidden fields or pull downs, or you had JavaScript to validate every input, does not guarantee the input will not be tampered with. A hacker with a simple local Web proxy can change anything they want after the JavaScript executes.
A Guide to Computer Security
As the number of people connecting to the Internet continues to increase at a rapid pace, more and more of us are now creating our own home computer networks.
With these we can enjoy the benefits of having high bandwidth, instant access to the Internet and make this connection available to multiple computers in and around the home.
But for those unfamiliar with computer security, they are completely unaware of the risks they may be exposing their computer to.
With these we can enjoy the benefits of having high bandwidth, instant access to the Internet and make this connection available to multiple computers in and around the home.
But for those unfamiliar with computer security, they are completely unaware of the risks they may be exposing their computer to.
What Are Anti Virus Software, Anti Spyware Software & Computer Firewalls & What Can They Do For You?
Now that most people use the internet these days, it is a very good idea to make sure that you have good quality computer security software installed and protecting your computer. Anti virus software, anti spyware software and having a hardware or software firewall are now essential for everyone using a computer and here is an explanation why this is so.
All the Spyware Security you Need: For Free
More and more internet users are understanding how important it is for them to find security software that allows them to remain invisible to possible intruders. Threats such as spyware, Trojans, viruses, worms and other malware are difficult to avoid because they have become so widespread. To partially prevent these malicious codes from sneaking in you must first secure you computer with a firewall that will notify you of any unauthorized intruders.
Getting Free Internet Security for Your Computer
Surfing the Internet nowadays can be very dangerous. With all the viruses, spywares, adwares, identity thieves and hackers circulating for surfers to victimize, opening and downloading an attachment sent by your friend can be very scary.
This is why Internet security is a necessity in all computers to prevent yourself from getting victimized by people who wants to steal from you or from viruses programmed to destroy your important files.
This is why Internet security is a necessity in all computers to prevent yourself from getting victimized by people who wants to steal from you or from viruses programmed to destroy your important files.
How to Add Your Blogs RSS Feed to Your HTML Site
One of the advantages touted by blog proponents is the ability to use your blog (and/or other blogs) to automatically add "fresh" content to your site. Search engines like regularly updated content, and will get in the habit of dropping in to see whats new!
However, as you will have quickly discovered if you've had a go at this already, getting the content flowing is somewhat tricky. Everybodys talking about it... but nobody's saying hey, you can do it this way!
However, as you will have quickly discovered if you've had a go at this already, getting the content flowing is somewhat tricky. Everybodys talking about it... but nobody's saying hey, you can do it this way!
How I Design My Own Websites
First off let me say I am no HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) expert. I do have a background in computers but I worked more on the hardware side of things, servers, networking equipment, RAID arrays, to name a few. I thought I would spend some time telling how I started designing my own webpages.
Why Search Engine Spiders Can’t Index Your Pages
HTML Problems Can Prevent Indexing
This is a common problem. Your web designer has created a beautiful page with nice graphics and great Flash animations. Unfortunately, it seems that search engines won’t list your website no matter what you do.
This can have several reasons:
This is a common problem. Your web designer has created a beautiful page with nice graphics and great Flash animations. Unfortunately, it seems that search engines won’t list your website no matter what you do.
This can have several reasons:
Computer Virus and Security Protection Tips
The internet has its fair share of threats and dangers that could harm your PC and access your personal and confidential information without your permission. Computer security entails both detection and prevention from such people and programs. "Prevention" would help in keeping you safe from all such malicious attempts whereas "detection" would inform you whether someone attempted to access/harm your system, either successfully or unsuccessfully and what harm they may have caused.
Streetwise Guide to PC Security
Spam is on the rise, malware infections are on the rise, botnets are growing bigger and more Internet users are turning into advance fee con artists. Pretty grim picture isn't it? No, I do not want to sound pessimistic, but the reality is that no piece of computer security software can protect you completely against Internet based threats. What am I saying... throw away all your spam filters, firewalls and anti-malware applications? No, not at all, they play an integral part in our protection against cyber threats, but even the best tools in the world can fail dramatically if they are not used by streetwise cyber citizens.
Secure Your Blog From Threats With These Four Additional Security Tips
Use strong passwords
One of the first things taught is to ensure all passwords cannot be simply guessed. Despite this fact, far too often administrators will fail to check all accounts. If an account can write to the system it must have a strong password.
There are numerous articles online about selecting good passwords so I won't repeat that information here. Just make sure that you follow the advice in these articles and don't copy the actual passwords they list.
Use SCP instead of FTP
One of the first things taught is to ensure all passwords cannot be simply guessed. Despite this fact, far too often administrators will fail to check all accounts. If an account can write to the system it must have a strong password.
There are numerous articles online about selecting good passwords so I won't repeat that information here. Just make sure that you follow the advice in these articles and don't copy the actual passwords they list.
Use SCP instead of FTP
Four Basic Website Measures Of Security For The Internet Marketer
The amount of easy to target websites is growing at an alarming rate due to the fact that so many people are setting up their own businesses based from home. The blame for this mainly lies within the Internet Marketing population itself. Why is this so? Several of the so-called Internet Marketing Gurus, using the powerful methods of persuasion at their fingertips, entice people into starting their own businesses on line by providing them with ready-made, plug and play websites containing basic errors in security. The consequences of most of these sites made by marketers, not programmers, can be disastrous.
Important Email Habits, Security, Tools and Tips
Forwarding Emails: Do Your Homework!
Every day I see email forwarded by someone trying to warn me of some new threat or with some “interesting news”. Unfortunately most of these types of forwarded emails are false. In most cases it is harmless forwarding of emails with the only drawback being extra junk in your inbox and floating around the Internet.
In other cases, these emails themselves are a threat. Some emails will inform you of a “threat” and give you steps to take to “fix” your computer or “remove” the threat. Following the “advice” in these emails can cause problems in some cases.
Every day I see email forwarded by someone trying to warn me of some new threat or with some “interesting news”. Unfortunately most of these types of forwarded emails are false. In most cases it is harmless forwarding of emails with the only drawback being extra junk in your inbox and floating around the Internet.
In other cases, these emails themselves are a threat. Some emails will inform you of a “threat” and give you steps to take to “fix” your computer or “remove” the threat. Following the “advice” in these emails can cause problems in some cases.
Effective SEO Through Good Code Structure
For a successful Search Engine Optimization strategy, take into consideration that search engines look at content and also at the structure of the markup. They emphasize the importance of text content, page titles, keywords rich text, meta descriptions and information architecture. A website where quality of content and code prevails will rank higher in the major search engines.
There are many Search Engine Optimization tactics, but try to find the best combination and don't sacrifice the usability and performance of your website. Here is some basic information about improving your source code from an SEO perspective:
There are many Search Engine Optimization tactics, but try to find the best combination and don't sacrifice the usability and performance of your website. Here is some basic information about improving your source code from an SEO perspective:
Should I Make A Website - I Don't Know HTML
Professional looking websites, it's easy to get nervous about creating your own. Especially if you don't know anything about how to build a web page. Thanks to organizations and people everywhere, you don't have to let that stop you.
Do a search, on any search engine, about HTML. For instance, you could use "HTML for beginners" or "learn HTML free". Both of those searches return great sites. Browse a few until you find one that is suitable for someone like you.
Be sure to take your time and mimic what you see the author doing. A great thing about building webpages is the ability to slowly work them up. A webpage is anything found within an opening HTML tag and a closing HTML tag. Put those on a page and presto, you have a webpage. Now you can learn how to put stuff in between those HTML tags.
Do a search, on any search engine, about HTML. For instance, you could use "HTML for beginners" or "learn HTML free". Both of those searches return great sites. Browse a few until you find one that is suitable for someone like you.
Be sure to take your time and mimic what you see the author doing. A great thing about building webpages is the ability to slowly work them up. A webpage is anything found within an opening HTML tag and a closing HTML tag. Put those on a page and presto, you have a webpage. Now you can learn how to put stuff in between those HTML tags.
HTML Explained: Part 2
Get started creating web pages using text files and HTML code! This article is a continuation of HTML Explained: Part 1, which gives a general overview of HTML. Here, we're going to get into the nitty gritty of the code itself. Once you see how simple it really is, you should RUN, not walk to the nearest bookstore and grab your own copy of a handy HTML manual. All right, let's begin.
In viewing the source of web pages, you may have noticed a lot of these things: < >. They're called HTML tags, and they're what the computer uses to interpret the HTML code.
NOTE: in this article I had to add spaces to all of my HTML tags so that I could display them without actually having them work. There are two HTML tricks to actually "shutting off" HTML tags, but neither of them function properly in this submission box.
The HTML tags shown here will display like so: < FAKE TAG > but in reality you're supposed to type them like so:
In viewing the source of web pages, you may have noticed a lot of these things: < >. They're called HTML tags, and they're what the computer uses to interpret the HTML code.
NOTE: in this article I had to add spaces to all of my HTML tags so that I could display them without actually having them work. There are two HTML tricks to actually "shutting off" HTML tags, but neither of them function properly in this submission box.
The HTML tags shown here will display like so: < FAKE TAG > but in reality you're supposed to type them like so:
HTML Explained: Part 1
Want to save money while promoting your web-based business? Of course you do. Here's some advice on the matter, from a freelance copywriter who knows: it pays to learn the basics of HTML.
If you're like me (stubborn), you've probably been dodging HTML for many years. All that code mushed together... it's distressing to look at! But here's the thing: HTML is your friend. He might be ugly, but he's a good guy to have on your side.
If you're like me (stubborn), you've probably been dodging HTML for many years. All that code mushed together... it's distressing to look at! But here's the thing: HTML is your friend. He might be ugly, but he's a good guy to have on your side.
The Importance of Correct HTML Syntax in Search Engine Positoning
There is a lot of competition to get good spots in the search engines. Proper
html syntax and a clean code will help toward better positoning.
With website design mostly done with wysiwig editors now, there seems to be a
lot of reliance on these tools without realising that they are far less than
Software like frontpage tend to produce a fairly complicated html code and we
as users just assume that because it is software generated there won’t be any
problems with it.
html syntax and a clean code will help toward better positoning.
With website design mostly done with wysiwig editors now, there seems to be a
lot of reliance on these tools without realising that they are far less than
Software like frontpage tend to produce a fairly complicated html code and we
as users just assume that because it is software generated there won’t be any
problems with it.
Essential HTML Skills For Article Authors - 7 Tips
Many successful authors close their mind to learning HTML because they figure they don't need to know it. I've been in technology, marketing and writing on the Internet for a decade+ now and I too shut my mind to learning HTML... until earlier this year. My thinking was that HTML coders only make $8-$10/hr and why would I want to learn a skill that I can outsource to someone who specializes in HTML coding?
Guess what? You don't have to learn more than 15 minutes of HTML knowledge to significantly improve the quality of your articles. In today's issue, I'm going to show you the top 7 easy-to-learn essential HTML skills that can help any article author make better looking articles before the day is over.
The 7 HTML "MUST KNOW" article author skills include how to format a URL or an email address, how to enhance your text with BOLD, ITALICS, or the UNDERLINE font attribute and how to set up a bullet or numbered list in HTML.
Guess what? You don't have to learn more than 15 minutes of HTML knowledge to significantly improve the quality of your articles. In today's issue, I'm going to show you the top 7 easy-to-learn essential HTML skills that can help any article author make better looking articles before the day is over.
The 7 HTML "MUST KNOW" article author skills include how to format a URL or an email address, how to enhance your text with BOLD, ITALICS, or the UNDERLINE font attribute and how to set up a bullet or numbered list in HTML.
- How To Make A URL/Website Address "Linkable":
Remove Viruses From Your Computer
Removing a computer virus in your computer can be a scary task.
Even the most experience computer tech might have a difficult challenges without the right software.
Technology has revolutionized the way we see the world. We are now able to have a conversation virtually face-to-face with someone in the other side of the world via messenger absolutely free.
Personal computers (PCs) since its introduction to the public in the mid 80s have changed our lives. Allowing the public to automate daily task, personal computers (PCs) have become critical tools to our everyday life.
However, since the birth of the internet for public usage back in the mid-late 90s, hackers have found a breeding ground.
Even the most experience computer tech might have a difficult challenges without the right software.
Technology has revolutionized the way we see the world. We are now able to have a conversation virtually face-to-face with someone in the other side of the world via messenger absolutely free.
Personal computers (PCs) since its introduction to the public in the mid 80s have changed our lives. Allowing the public to automate daily task, personal computers (PCs) have become critical tools to our everyday life.
However, since the birth of the internet for public usage back in the mid-late 90s, hackers have found a breeding ground.
Improving Computer Performance - Tips and Tricks You Need to Know
The mistake that a lot of people tend to make is letting the problem of a slow computer go unresolved, and their usual solution to this problem is to go out and buy a new machine. This is the vicious cycle of the average, less-knowledgeable computer user and they find that no matter how much money they spend they will end up having a slow machine, the same as before.
Top 10 Windows Vista Tips and Tricks To Increase Your Gaming Performance
Although Windows Vista is a great operating system with tons of great features and application, when it comes to gaming, its performance is still lagging behind Windows XP. One of the reasons is that most of the current games are not designed for Windows Vista which utilizes the new DirectX 10 technology. Another reason is that Windows Vista has a lot of activities running in the background that interferes with the gaming resources.
In this article, I have compiled 10 useful Windows Vista tips and tricks to help you improve your gaming performance.
In this article, I have compiled 10 useful Windows Vista tips and tricks to help you improve your gaming performance.
How To Fix A Slow Computer - Simple Tips And Tricks
There are few things in life that are as frustrating as when your computer is grinding along at the speed of a snail. Just a few short years ago we didn't really have this problem, which was before the computer really came into existence in most homes. The problem of slow running computers is not a frustration that most of us have to deal with ever day. Think about when you call someone about some business dealings on the phone, how many times have they told you to wait because their computer is running slow? Here are the most common reasons why your computer is running slowly and how to fix them.
Earn with an Adsense Ready Site Web Users Agree
Through an adsense ready site web users can earn thousands of dollars every single month with minimal work, so if you are not already doing it I suggest that you read this article and get started. In this little article I am going to give you a brief introduction to adsense and then show you what it can do for your business.
Question: What is Google adsense?
Answer: Adsense is...
Question: What is Google adsense?
Answer: Adsense is...
Adsense Websites: A Step By Step Guide To Making Money With Adsense Websites
Making money with Adsense is probably one of the quickest and easiest ways to make money on the internet. All you need is a website, an account with Google and a little HTML knowledge and you are ready to get started.
In this article I am going to give you a few quick steps which will guide you through setting up profit pulling Adsense websites.
In this article I am going to give you a few quick steps which will guide you through setting up profit pulling Adsense websites.
The 5 Critical Steps to Protecting Your Computer on the Internet
Spyware, viruses and worms... oh my!
If you are connected to the internet, you need to make sure you get your computer set up properly if you want to avoid problems down the road.
With all the viruses, spyware and other threats on the internet today, no computer should be set up without the proper protection.
And that protection needs to be in place as soon after you hook up your new machine as possible.
The following five steps will make your computer a much harder target for threats. You still won't be completely immune to problems, but 99% of the time the threat will pass you by, looking for the easy mark.
If you are connected to the internet, you need to make sure you get your computer set up properly if you want to avoid problems down the road.
With all the viruses, spyware and other threats on the internet today, no computer should be set up without the proper protection.
And that protection needs to be in place as soon after you hook up your new machine as possible.
The following five steps will make your computer a much harder target for threats. You still won't be completely immune to problems, but 99% of the time the threat will pass you by, looking for the easy mark.
Pros and Cons of Free Online Virus Scan Services
The rise of popularity of free online scan services urged programmers to make web scanners as friendly as possible. In fact every such scanner is very easy to use because all it requires if just several mouse clicks.
The marketing war stands behind proprietary inventions and patented algorithms - normally the online virus scan is operated by the same engine as a stand-alone antivirus product.
The marketing war stands behind proprietary inventions and patented algorithms - normally the online virus scan is operated by the same engine as a stand-alone antivirus product.
Free Online Virus Scan
If you have taken the time to read this article then you are most probably looking for a free online virus scan utility which can help you remove any malicious infections your PC may have. Unfortunately most quality free virus scan tools are in fact not available for usage online but are rather available for download in the form of a software tool. The internet is loaded with tools that offer free virus scans so you really just comes down to trial and error to see which one has the better effect on removing infections form your PC. Lets take some time to talk about viruses and how they commonly infect your PC.
Online Scan - 4 Good Online Scans to Keep Your Computer Clean
Many people either don't have the money or don't have any interest in installing an anti virus or anti spyware program. While I feel that that is a mistake, an online scan can make a good alternative. You just have to use the right online scan. Check out the 4 online scans I recommend.
Free Tips to Fix Windows Blue Screen Error
Oops! Before you freak out upon seeing windows blue screen error identify first whether the error is grave or manageable. After all, there's no problem that does not have corresponding solution. This also applies on finding solutions when your computer fails to operate. Every error that will be displayed on your computer will certainly include what causes the error and which driver is malfunctioning.
Believing that there's always one solution that will make things work out is one way of biting into the brighter side of a seemingly threatening situation.
Believing that there's always one solution that will make things work out is one way of biting into the brighter side of a seemingly threatening situation.
Top 5 Common Computer Problems and Solutions
If you own a computer, then you have probably encountered these computer problems before. Once you buy a computer, you must accept that sooner or later it will eventually crash due to a virus or some other massive error. If someone told you that your computer will last more than a decade, don't believe it because it is just a myth or another sales pitch. But of course, you should take care of it if you want it to last for its third year without any defects.
What Are Recommended Internet Security Suite Software?
Making sure that you have installed the best internet security suite that is available today is one of the unwritten, and very important, rules that every PC user should follow. Just about everyone has heard the chilling stories about how computer viruses have caused havoc for a person's computer, often causing them to lose valuable data. Even worse are the stories of the internet threats to computer security that have led to someone having their identity stolen.
Website Protection Using the Index Page
All web servers are configured to display a default page for a directory if a default file exists. That is how your home page is found when someone simply enters a domain name for the URL for a web site and the home page is displayed. A server is configured to search a list of default file names and if it finds a match, it displays the page.
The default files could be similar to what is shown below.
The default files could be similar to what is shown below.
How to Remove Active Security - Active Security Removal Instructions
Active Security is the latest fake anti-spyware utility to be swarming the internet these days, the program is very dangerous and if you have come across it please look to remove it ASAP. To learn more about how to remove Active Security and some simple Active Security removal instructions continue reading below.
This virus is distributed via Trojans that you pick up while downloading from untrustworthy sources on the web. Once your PC is infected Active Security will automatically load up every time you start your computer and begin causing havoc on your system.
It will continually alert you with fake virus alerts and even conduct fake system scans in order to scare you into purchasing the full version of the malware. The whole thing is one big SCAM and a very deadly virus aswell so you may want to remove it right now, check the instructions below...
The most efficient way of removing the virus would be to download some legitimate spyware removal software and have it automatically remove activesecurity from your system. You could attempt manual removal but it isn't recommended as these viruses contain files that are able to regenerate themselves, making manual deletion very difficult and highly unsuccessful.
The procedure is outlined below, but only proceed if you are adept at using computers. You will be dealing with critical system files.
Stop ActiveSecurity processes:
Active Security.exe
Remove ActiveSecurity registry values:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "ActiveSecurity"
Get rid of ActiveSecurity folders:
%System Root%\Samples
%User Profile%\Local Settings\Temp
%Program Files%\ActiveSecurity
%Program Files%\LabelCommand
%Documents and Settings%\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\ActiveSecurity
%Documents and Settings%\All Users\Application Data\ActiveSecurity.dll
Just remember nothing is guaranteed and you run the risk of ruining your entire operating system if you happen to delete the wrong file.
If you wish to get rid of Active Security for good then you should seriously consider downloading a proper anti-spyware utility. These programs are specifically designed to remove these threats, plus they will enable real-time protection so you won't have to worry about getting infected again.
Therefore if you were wondering how to remove Active Security from your PC then it is strongly advised you download a good Active Security Removal Tool. For more info on manual removal and to download some good software visit the links below...
Have you been Infected with The Active Security Trojan? If so then don't panic, learn more on How to Remove Active Security Right now.
I would recommend Spyware Doctor 6 To remove the threat; it is able to detect and remove Active Security in a few minutes. Download It Free Now to remove all spyware threats of your PC.
This virus is distributed via Trojans that you pick up while downloading from untrustworthy sources on the web. Once your PC is infected Active Security will automatically load up every time you start your computer and begin causing havoc on your system.
It will continually alert you with fake virus alerts and even conduct fake system scans in order to scare you into purchasing the full version of the malware. The whole thing is one big SCAM and a very deadly virus aswell so you may want to remove it right now, check the instructions below...
The most efficient way of removing the virus would be to download some legitimate spyware removal software and have it automatically remove activesecurity from your system. You could attempt manual removal but it isn't recommended as these viruses contain files that are able to regenerate themselves, making manual deletion very difficult and highly unsuccessful.
The procedure is outlined below, but only proceed if you are adept at using computers. You will be dealing with critical system files.
Stop ActiveSecurity processes:
Active Security.exe
Remove ActiveSecurity registry values:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "ActiveSecurity"
Get rid of ActiveSecurity folders:
%System Root%\Samples
%User Profile%\Local Settings\Temp
%Program Files%\ActiveSecurity
%Program Files%\LabelCommand
%Documents and Settings%\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\ActiveSecurity
%Documents and Settings%\All Users\Application Data\ActiveSecurity.dll
Just remember nothing is guaranteed and you run the risk of ruining your entire operating system if you happen to delete the wrong file.
If you wish to get rid of Active Security for good then you should seriously consider downloading a proper anti-spyware utility. These programs are specifically designed to remove these threats, plus they will enable real-time protection so you won't have to worry about getting infected again.
Therefore if you were wondering how to remove Active Security from your PC then it is strongly advised you download a good Active Security Removal Tool. For more info on manual removal and to download some good software visit the links below...
Have you been Infected with The Active Security Trojan? If so then don't panic, learn more on How to Remove Active Security Right now.
I would recommend Spyware Doctor 6 To remove the threat; it is able to detect and remove Active Security in a few minutes. Download It Free Now to remove all spyware threats of your PC.
Learn How to Remove the System Security Virus
Are you getting those system security viruses on your computer? Those annoying little pop-ups that come on no matter what's going on. There are people who get all kinds of stuff. System security, A360, XP police, sysguard, and everything. It's absolutely amazing how many people have created these kinds of things simply to either ruin our experience, take our money, or both.
How to Remove Trojan Horse Virus Quickly?
Would you like to learn how to remove Trojan horse virus quickly from your PC? This problem has affected most computer users all over the world, and luckily there are great solutions to this. Almost every PC user would have run across a malicious software attack which can be a virus, spyware or adware etc.
How to Remove Trojans Virus Easily and Effectively
Trojan viruses are malicious programs that affect the overall functionality of the computer. They also provide unauthorized access to your computer to a hacker. Read on to know what Trojan virus is and how to remove it from your system.
Trojan viruses are a type of malicious software that affects the performance of your computer. These are malicious programs that enter into your computer machine when you download software that appears to be genuine. Once it enters the system, it starts various kinds of malicious activity that can terribly affect the computer's performance. Removing Trojan virus from the system is the only solution to deal with it.
Trojan viruses are a type of malicious software that affects the performance of your computer. These are malicious programs that enter into your computer machine when you download software that appears to be genuine. Once it enters the system, it starts various kinds of malicious activity that can terribly affect the computer's performance. Removing Trojan virus from the system is the only solution to deal with it.
IP Address and Online Security
Although the Internet has given us a world of benefits, not many know the basics of how all them are even possible. Computers linked to this supernetwork are actually able to communicate with each other with the use of their IP addresses which serve as their unique identifiers. When you're online, you are able to send a request to the server of the website you visit using this address. A reply is then sent to you through your IP which serves as your location on the Internet.
Free vs Paid Antivirus

Like many people I thought that my computer was well protected against viruses and other malicious software by the name brand antivirus software that was included with the computer when I bought it.
I browsed the Internet with no problem and everything seemed to work smoothly until one day something took over my machine. Random sounds and music began playing and the screen would flicker. Little cartoon characters would briefly appear on the screen. Yikes. What had infected my computer?
Trojan horses are a huge security threat. A Trojan is a program that enters your computer undetected, giving the attacker who planted the Trojan unrestricted access to the data stored on your computer. Trojans can transmit credit card information and other confidential data in the background. Trojans are often not caught by virus scanning engines, because these are focused on viruses, not Trojans. Catching such threats would require the use of a Trojan scanner (a.k.a Trojan cleaner, Trojan remover, anti-Trojan).
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